
Prof. Noam Ziv

Deputy Senior VP for Biomedical Science & Engineering
Office: +972-778875088

Dr. Merav Saker

Head of Administration - Technion Human Health Initiative
Office: +972-778872642
Cell: +972 53 8237890

Students stand in a circle and join their hands

Members at the Council for Science and Engineering of Biology and Medicine


Faculty or Unit


Amir Orian
Head of the Rappaport Cancer Research Center (RTICC )
Amir Rosenthal
The Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Amit Meller
The Faculty of Biomedical Engineering
Avi Schroeder
Department of Chemical Engineering
Dan Geiger
Computer Science Department
Gal Akiri Licari
Research Authority
Gil Keren
Chief Human Resource & Operations Officer
Kinneret Keren
Physics Department
Liat Retter
Administrative Consultant
Luai R. Khoury
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Luba Berenstein
Head of Gift Management & Compliance in Public Affairs & Resource Development
Maya Davidovich-Pinhas
Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Engineering
Merav Saker
Head of Administration - Technion Human Health Initiative
Noam Ziv
Deputy Senior VP for Biomedical Science & Engineering
Philippa Melamed
The Faculty of Biology
Rita Bruckstein
Research Authority Head Office
Robin Haim
Head of Donor Relations in Public Affairs & Resource Development
Ruby Shalom-Feuerstein
Rappaport Faculty of Medicine
Shai Shen-Orr
Rappaport Faculty of Medicine
Shelly Tzlil
The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Uri Peskin
Dean in Graduate School
Uri Shalit
The Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences
Vadim Indelman
The Aerospace Engineering Department
Yasha Jacob Grobman
The Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning
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