Technion Human Health Initiative

Technology Enhances Quality of Deep Tissue Imaging

Technion researchers develop new approach for imaging through partially opaque, thick tissue and demonstrate its ability to capture detailed images of neurons (nerve cells) covered by a thick layer of muscle tissue


Aggregates may help neurons cope with toxic protein forms

Major neurodegenerative diseases involve the formation of protein aggregates, suspected to drive damage and cell death. A recent study provides new evidence that the aggregates formed in Huntington’s disease can actually help neurons to cope with the potential damage toxic proteins evoke and delay cell death .


About the initiative

Human health stands out as one of humanity's grand challenges for the 21st century and beyond. Like other grand challenges, the advancement of human health requires multidisciplinary efforts – the fusion of life, physical, data and behavioral sciences, clinical practices, engineering and design.

To this end, the Technion launched the Technion Human Health Initiative (THHI) an institution-wide, comprehensive program that aims to address this challenge in its broadest terms

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