Human health stands out as one of humanity's grand challenges for the 21st century and beyond. Like other grand challenges, the advancement of human health requires multidisciplinary efforts – the fusion of life, physical, data and behavioral sciences, clinical practices, engineering and design. To this end, in August 2020, the Technion launched the Technion Human Health Initiative (THHI) an institution-wide, comprehensive program that aims to address this challenge in its broadest terms – from the patient bed to pharma, diagnostics and materials, through medical devices, robotics, big data and artificial intelligence all the way to environmental hazards, food technology, patient-centered clinical practices, hospital design and well-being. [read more...]
While the Technion has many strengths, its organization as 18 semi-independent academic units and sprawling geography challenge its ability to bring to bear these strengths. Put differently, the disciplinary and organizational fractionation entailed by this structure has traditionally compromised awareness of common interests, familiarity with colleagues outside of one’s own unit, opportunities for collaborations, joint staff and students, and in general, hampered the huge potential for institutional synergy.
Consequently, at the core of the Initiative is Engagement: stimulating, challenging, connecting and empowering the best and brightest, driving the intellectual engagement of investigators and students from all disciplines and the fostering of collaborative research and educational activities across disciplinary boundaries. Moreover, by embedding these activities in the world at large – industry, hospitals, health agencies and NGOs, the Initiative aspires to expose its participants to unmet needs and encourage the translation of potential solutions into real world impact.
The Mission Statement of the THHI is to “Drive research toward groundbreaking advances for the benefit of human health, by creating and fostering opportunities for synergetic interactions among Technion research groups, centers, facilities, and affiliated institutes”. [read more...]
The Initiatives activities are organized along four dimensions: Research, Education, Community and Infrastructure.
Research and Education are the core mission of all research universities, the Technion included. Superb infrastructure and outstanding investigators form the vital foundations for any academic Initiative. Discovery is fueled by top-notch research and infrastructure (buildings, instrumentation, facilities, support personnel), and finally, Education and tightly-knit Communities give rise to engaged, motivated individuals and scientific leaders.
Organization and Management
The THHI is headed by the Deputy Senior Vice President for Biomedical Science and Engineering - a new position currently held by Prof. Noam E. Ziv and assisted by a dedicated head of staff and administration, Dr. Merav Saker.
The Council
Central to steering THHI activities is the Council for Science and Engineering of Biology and Medicine that includes representatives of most academic units, related research centers, major administrative units, and management. [read more...]
The Council is essentially a forum that involves all stakeholders, for discussing and coordinating initiatives and activities in all THHI-related domains (research, education, infrastructure, community activities). The council meets regularly every two weeks, and has been very instrumental in planning strategic development directions, amalgamating and coordinating Technion-wide HH-related activities, lowering barriers and vastly improving collaborations between academic units, centers and administrative branches.