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New Molecular Discoveries Regarding Preeclampsia – In a Joint Study by Scientists from Two Faculties at the Technion | Preeclampsia is a life-threatening multi-system disorder and one of the leading causes of maternal and fetal mortality. Its global prevalence is around 5% of pregnancies.
In a collaborative study between the Rappaport Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Biology at the Technion, researchers made new molecular discoveries that could lead to better prediction, diagnosis and treatment of this serious pregnancy complication. Their findings, published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, identify novel biomarkers and provide insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying preeclampsia development and progression.

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Technion Article (In Hebrew)

בתמונה, מימין לשמאל, בשורה העליונה: האנה הוכגרנר, ניב סקרביאנסקיס ופרופ’ עידו שולט; בשורה התחתונה: פרופ’ עמית צייזל, אסנת אופיר, ענבל אדמתי ושמחה יגל
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